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Erik Hoedl speaks at the Insolvenzforum Grundlsee in Austria

Erik Hoedl speaks at the Insolvenzforum Grundlsee in Austria

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We are happy to announce: Erik Hoedl will be one of the speakers at the Insolvenzforum Grundlsee this year.

On Friday, 26 November 2021, Erik will speak about “restructuring from the perspective of the creditor representative” (Restrukturierung aus Sicht des Gläubigervertreters).

About Insolvenzforum Grundlsee

The Insolvenzforum Grundlsee, the largest insolvency law conference in Austria, will be taking place for the 27th time this year.

Its focus lies on practice-oriented information. This includes current national and international developments in insolvency law and related legal fields and topics.

It provides high-quality professional training and facilitates the exchange of knowledge and networking among various professional groups dealing with insolvency law.


Did we inspire your interest in finding out more about this event?

Have a look at the program and how to register on the website of the Insolvenzforum (German only).